What Connector and Sensor Types Are Poised to Grow the Most over the Next Five Years?
- Which existing connector types are poised for exceptional sales growth?
- What new electronic products and technologies are driving sensor and connector growth?
- Which industry segments will utilize these connectors and sensors? Will certain segments require the development of entirely new product types to address specific applications?
- Who are the leading manufacturers of these connectors and sensors?
- Will new material technology change the way connectors and sensors are designed, fabricated and utilized?
- Has the performance / cost curve of fiber optic connectors finally tipped the advantage to fiber over copper in I/O applications? Will 25+ Gb/s channels be the tipping point?
- How is the convergence of computing, communications, and consumer entertainment influencing the design of interconnects?
- What technology gaps must be addressed in order to satisfy next generation equipment interconnect requirements?
- Which of the many pluggable small form factor interfaces will achieve broad industry acceptance?
- Will connectors and cable assemblies that incorporate active components become more common?
- What potentially disruptive technologies may impact connector design and utilization over the next 5 years?
- Which connectors defined by an updated industry standard or supported by an industry consortium show exceptional growth?
The term “connectivity” has become the mantra for the expanding universe of electronic devices that pervade our world today. People-to-people, machine-to-machine, well as people-to-machine communication is spawning entirely new classes of electronic devices. Capabilities such as face recognition, location awareness, and artificial intelligence can provide much enhanced interaction with our devices, while creating new vulnerabilities for hackers to target. Electronic connectors and sensors now play an increasingly critical role in the performance of the end device as well as the infrastructure that supports it. Development of a new connector typically is the result of an identified gap in the mix of current interfaces in terms of bandwidth, physical size, pin count, durability, current rating, termination method, and price. Connector manufacturers must be constantly on the outlook for the new technology that may require a unique set of performance requirements as well as disruptive technologies that could quickly make a current product obsolete.
Connectors and Technologies Poised for Growth provides useful insight on key interconnects and technologies that we anticipate will propel the electronics industry over the next five years. Click here for table of contents and ordering information.