The evolution of connector design has traditionally followed a well-developed path. A need is recognized, a product designed, and the growth cycle begins. But will new innovations, their rate of adoption, and the technologies they represent change this path?
- What does the future hold for copper, fiber, and wireless interconnects? Will one type of interconnect outpace another based on new innovations?
- Which innovative technology has the potential to drastically change the way we have traditionally developed new electronic interconnects?
- Can existing connector design and manufacturing technology produce connectors that will satisfy future application requirements via sustaining innovation?
- Will the convergence of potentially disruptive technologies now appearing on the horizon begin to obsolete traditional interconnects as we know them?
- What new technical requirements may spur the interconnect industry to take a more proactive role in the development of interconnect technology?
This new report examines 10 potentially disruptive technologies, and their impact on traditional copper, fiber, and wireless interconnects. Don’t let the past define your path to the future.
Order your copy of the Impact of Disruptive Innovations on Electronic Interconnects.